Quote of the Day

It is much easier to build strong children than it is to repair a broken man.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Summer Life of a Teacher

I survived what I deem the hardest year of my life. I feel quite proud of myself. When I look back at all that I've accomplished these past 12 months, I see how much I've grown and the woman I've become, I am comfortable with.
The last few days with my kiddos were pretty tough. I swear they all get together for the last day of school and make a pact to misbehave so that their teachers don't get all mushy. When we all met for the last pledge together by the flag pole, I was so ready for them to go. Sad, but true. When they were dismissed, I was lost for a minute. Not quite sure what to do until I almost got tackled from behind by two of my little  munchkins. A few wanted pictures taken with me. The bittersweetness of being done, yet at the same time of making through my first year of teaching.
Less than a week after finished school, I left for Hawaii. The 2 hour plane ride from Utah to Seattle wasn't bad at all, but the 6 hour plane ride to Hawaii was a challenge. I tend to get bored easily when I can't move and am essentially stuck in the same spot. I also cannot sleep in public places so I was awake the entire flight. Hawaii is 4 hours behind Utah. When arriving there at 10:30pm, it was 2:30am in Utah. I was dead on my feet. I called my brother to see where he would be and he said walk south towards the pillar. As I walked south, two figures jumped out from behind the pillar and shouted, "Welcome to the Himalayas!" A lei was then chucked at my head and somehow landed around my neck. It was my wonderful brother and cousin. We dropped my brother off at the Naval base and then proceeded to the Army base where my cousin lives with his family. Everyone was asleep and I gladly collapsed into their spare bedroom. I was woken up at 6am by their adorable little girl. I was not all that excited at the time to be awake, but little did I know how greatly that helped me acclimate to the time change. The adventures were mind blowing! From the Dole plantation, a different beach almost every night, the punch bowl, Waikiki, and the sights were too gorgeous to be captured by a camera. Some of the most memorable times were when we stayed home and just talked, watched movies, and my heart was absolutely captured by their two kids. Abby who is 2 and Danny who is 4 months. Abby has these beautiful blonde curls and when we would go anywhere people thought she was mine and not her brunette mother's. I would love to have a little one like her one day. Danny likes to be held a lot, but isn't always sure he likes being held. What would drive my cousins crazy is when he would be finicky with them so I would take him. I always had a certain way I held him and rocked him. 8 times out of 10 he would fall asleep. His parents would look at me in disbelief! I loved it.
Now back to Miss Abigail for a second. She absolutely loves Frozen. If you had your phone out she would ask "Let it go song? Let it go song?" If you said, "Not right now." She would reply,  " Thank you for asking nice." Haha yes Abby, thank you for asking nicely. Since this little miss would wake up before everyone, I had to start locking my door because I wasn't always coherent in the mornings and when she tried to walk out the door with an ibuprofen because she thought it was candy, I had to lock it. This would mean in the morning she would knock on my door and say, "Tayer, Tayer? Where are you?" I lost it the morning she knocked and said, "Tayer, want to build a snowman?" I started laughing so hard.
My cousins and brother were so amazing to comply to all my wants and where I wanted to go. I absolutely love them with all my heart and you wish your family was as amazing as mine. I can't wait to go back!

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