Quote of the Day

It is much easier to build strong children than it is to repair a broken man.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Continuing the WOW moments...

     We left off with life being jealous of my finding a wonderful relationship.
     The month of April found me preparing for end of year testing, but sadly feeling horrible health wise. I was scared the pneumonia had flared up again. Back to instacare I went and so we find ourselves at WOW moment number 5. An x-ray of my lungs showed no change whatsoever after 2 prescriptions. As the doctor left I found myself sitting in the room alone  with a paper of names of specialists that I needed to see immediately. A quote from the nurse is "You really need to see someone because you have a whole lot of I don't even know what in there." Thanks, that's really comforting.
     WOW moment 6 is slightly lengthy, but mind blowing to say the least. I met with a specialist and after more medical tests than I could imagine, I was given a diagnosis. I had a heart ultrasound, 2 ct's of my chest, and a full panel of blood work done. The doctor asked if I could come in the next day to discuss results. I was presented with the diagnosis and was stunned. There was no history of this in my family and frankly, trying to hold in my emotions while talking to the doctor was becoming more difficult. The next step was presented and away I went. Three tests later, including a sweat test at primary childrens hospital, I had a confirmed diagnosis. At the age of 22 I was diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis. Cystic Fibrosis is an inherited chronic disease that affects the lungs and digestive system. If you aren't cautious it can be life threatening. At this moment in time I was struggling with the now what, but I didn't stay in that moment for long. I now am a patient at the Cystic Fibrosis Clinic housed at the University of Utah Hospital. The only C.F. certified clinic in the surrounding 4 states. I have a nebulizer, a nifty machine that delivers medication through a compressor and I breathe in the mist, a breathing resistance tube to help clear my lungs, and enzymes to take when I eat to help me actually absorb nutrients. It has taken some getting used to, but for the most part its going alright.
     There are still days when it's overwhelming and tough to breathe. C.F. brings the lovely symptoms of arthritis, digestive issues, a higher than normal chance to get sick and develop lung infections, and the lovely statistic that 1 in 5 women with C.F. can't have kids. The highlight of all of this is how great I've done in life despite having this since I was born. I have a college degree, a career, friends, and basically a life. Most adults diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis have about 50% of their lung capacity left due to scarring from previous sicknesses. I still have 81% go me.
     So, here I am, using summer vacation to recoup and get used to my new routines. I have to put more focus on myself and let myself take things at a slower pace while my body heals. Something I struggle with.  We all take different roads through life and this is my bumpy one. I am grateful for my family and support system who stand beside me and help me when I feel like continuing on is just too hard. So everyone take a second to hug your lungs. Its hard to imagine how much they do for you until they can't preform their proper functions. Be careful out there people, and don't laugh at me when I have to wear a mask to my doctor visits.

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