Quote of the Day

It is much easier to build strong children than it is to repair a broken man.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Who are You Online?

When I heard the words, "We met online" it didn't really phase me. I was happy they had found someone and the internet is a big part of our lives nowadays. I have a family member that is very happy with someone they met online. But even with the good things I have heard, I never really expected one day that I would have a profile on one. Well my cyber folks, the day has come. I am online. It is weird to think about for me. Honestly, growing up, I thought I would graduate, start college, find some Colin Farrell look-a-like and end up happily ever after at 21. Thankfully I grew up and smartened up just a little. As of three days ago, when my picture went up and my greeting was made available for all to see, I have had over 100 views of my page. Not that I am bragging at all by any means.
You have the ability to go and look at who has viewed your profile. I think it is a little weird but that is beside the point. And I am so sorry, but to the 56-year-old man that wants to "chat", it's not going to happen. You are only 4 years younger than my actual father and that makes me throw up in my mouth just slightly. And then you have the more unsavory gentlemen that think they are the best thing since sliced bread. I am so sorry to burst your overinflated balloon, but if you were getting it in the real world, you wouldn't be on the website now would you. Again horrible I know. I have been asked a couple times why I am on the site because I am a cute girl and seem like I have a fun personality. So, it begs the question, why did I join?
I joined because frankly, I do not have an overabundance of opportunities to meet men anymore. My job does not yield any eligible men and since I no longer go to UVU.... my chances have shrunk considerably.
I have a story about a certain unsavory character. This lovely gentlemen started the conversation unconventionally and caught me off guard. I guess my response was less than satisfactory and he responded pretty rudely. I apologized for my sarcasm which obviously did not shine through my words. It then seemed like the conversation was going to take a different direction that would lead to, well, actual conversation. I was wrong. The conversation lacked, fizzled, and drug on like toilet paper on the bottom of your shoe. Realizing I was wasting my time and his (at this point we were NOT going to become friends) I said it has been nice to meet you but I feel the conversation has fizzled. Have a nice day. Well, this was not to the liking of the individual and he said, "What, giving up already?" Me and my witty self said, "I don't do one way streets and if you are into games you should probably find someone actually willing to play." I am not one to mince words and if you are being a tool... I am going to call you out on it. And besides it is the internet. He acted like he was the world's gift to women and I am sorry but that does not sit well with me.
On the bright side I have met some very nice gentlemen who have asked me on dates, but I am soooo not ready. Ha. I still feel so weird about it all and I have been very honest about my hesitancy. These actual gentlemen completely understand and are willing to continue to talk through the sight to get to know each other more. Never in my whole life did I think I would be using the internet to find my eternal companion, but here we are. It is going to be an interesting experience and am sure this will not be the last time I bring it up.

Dating...... it's hard.

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