Quote of the Day

It is much easier to build strong children than it is to repair a broken man.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

The Quiet Hero

   It has been a bumpy 5 months to say the least. The newest development being that I found out I have to be on IV antibiotics for another full year. I had just made a countdown chain till the day I would get my PICC line out. 6 full months from the day I got it placed. At the time I had 73 chains. Seeing it made, made me realize I could do it. I could make it to November without losing my sanity and get this tube out of my arm. The day after I finished it I had one of my monthly doctors appointment. I was talking to him about when I could get my PICC line out. It was at this sad moment I was informed it will be another full year before it would come out. As you can imagine, I was crushed. I did not know how I could physically manage having it in for another full year. Especially with Chloe. As I pondered the next few days about how I could manage a PICC line and the feelings of being worn out for another 365 days. . . I starting thinking about a PORT. A Port goes into your chest instead of your arm. There is less chance of infection and it would never have to be replaced in the course of treatment whereas I would have to get the PICC replaced 3 possibly 4 times. Fast forward a few weeks and I now have my port. It is pretty crazy to think they attached a catheter to my jugular and I have a tube coming out of my chest. It has been pretty sore since they put it in. Tomorrow will be a full week of having it.

    But now for the whole reason for a post. The Quiet Hero. During all this upheaval, mess, confusion, and uncertainty, there has been a person who has been there for it all. Someone to pick me back up, build me up, and hold me when I break down. This person is TJ. I am grateful every day that I found him and that he is strong enough to handle this. I feel like at times I can't bare to keep doing this. I feel like I can't handle it and find it inspiring that he continues on: sometimes dragging me with him :) He makes so many sacrifices for his family.
Just to name a few:
He lived in a hospital for an entire week
He takes off work or leaves early to watch Chloe so I can go to doctors appointments
He gets up countless times a night with Chloe so I can get a little more sleep
He takes me to the hospital and waits during procedures
Constantly builds me up when I feel down
Is the best father to little miss and treats her like a princess

I don't know what I would do without him. Sadly he doesn't hear it enough. He is so busy doing everything he can for me, his needs get put on the back burner. When all of this is over, we are going to spend a good long while spoiling him and not thinking about me.

Oh, as for the countdown chain, I let little miss roll around and destroy it since it was slightly disappointing to keep looking at it. And a year long countdown chain is its own kind of disappointing.

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