Quote of the Day

It is much easier to build strong children than it is to repair a broken man.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

A Rose by Any Other Name Would Still Smell as Sweet

Life--- It's tough.
No one tells you when you are little to take advantage of the simple things. We are so focused on growing up, being adult, being able to do all the things our parents won't let us do. I think we forget to tell children to be children. I think we also don't realize how much they can teach us. Their innocence, playful attitude, and ability to be constantly happy is something I hope to incorporate into my life more.
No, I don't want to act like a child (though I probably do sometimes) but I want to embrace each day as a gift. I want to find the sunshine in the dark room, the quarter stuck between the couch cushions, and the last skittle in the bag when you think it is empty.

I am blessed. Immensely. I have some of the most amazing friends a girl (or anyone) could ask for. I wish there was a word that meant more than a friend, but I'm stuck at what it would be. We say the word best friend, yet I have quite a few of them. They have qualities that set them above most and I have been blessed to surround myself with extraordinary people. I have friends who see through the mask of happiness. I know these people genuinely care about me and my happiness. I hope they know I care about them too. With having moved as much as I have, I can say I have had a lot of friends, yet not a lot of friends that have stuck around for years. Usually for the duration of a couple years, or however long I live in one location, that is how long I have a certain set of friends. When I hear people talk about friends they have had since elementary school, it blows my mind a little bit. I become a little envious that they know this one person inside and out, completely, and they have stuck by each other for over a decade. That type of friendship is rare and should be cherished. Since graduating high school, the number of people I still keep in contact with could be counted on one hand. Some might say this is sad, but I realize this is the longest I have had a friend and I see it as an achievement. To be able to say I have known this person for 5 years and to say they have put up with me is amazing. The people I have met and the people that have come into my life points to there being something more out there. No, I won't get all religious on you, but I know for a fact that these people were sent to cross paths with me for a reason.

Qualities of my best friends that I adore:
They make me laugh, even when I don't want to
When I say I need a break from homework they immediately say where are we meeting?
They text me out of the blue
They dig deeper when my flippant answer isn't good enough
They see through the façade
They challenge me and push me to be better
They are my biggest supporters
They know exactly what to say to make me feel better
They give AMAZING hugs
Silence is never awkward
They dish out compliments like a buffet
They put up with my rantings
I know they love me by the small acts of kindness they perform
They have transformed from friends into family

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