Quote of the Day

It is much easier to build strong children than it is to repair a broken man.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

A square peg will Never fit in a round hole

Sometimes, no matter how hard we try, life is out of our hands. Sometimes prayers aren't answered the way we expect or hope they will, sometimes we don't get swept off of our feet, sometimes we don't look like the magazines say we should, and sometimes, we feel like what is the point.
And sometimes, I think way too much
Since the day we are born, we are bombarded with how life "should" be. The perfect "happily ever after" that starts with the breathtaking "once upon a time." The way we should look and how life should be, should be just like this photo shopped picture. For the most part, I think most people realize this is impossible. This dream life is just that, a dream. It is the food of daydreams, the hopes of the heart, and the fantasies of the mind. A simple conversation, a single date, a few soulful glances makes the wheels of the mind twist and turn until we have created a situation so elaborate that nothing in real life can live up to the expectations. Sometimes, it comes close, a few minutes, hours, or even a few weeks can convince the mind that the heart was right all along; that these types of situations DO happen in real life, until we wake up and our world does a complete 180 spin.
Then, we are back to the square peg and the round hole. No matter how hard we shove, plead, beg, bribe, or persuade- the peg isn't going into the hole. We have two choice, we can sand down the peg, soften the edges, change its shape, or we can wait until we find the square hole. 

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