Quote of the Day

It is much easier to build strong children than it is to repair a broken man.

Monday, June 3, 2013

That white powder on my porch, I promise, it's not drugs

A week of eating gluten free and I'm still alive! At first it was such a challenge, but everyone has been such a ginormous support. My lovely, wonderful, caring, beautiful, talented mother works at Honeyville Grains. This is an immense blessing in my life. She has access to so many different grains that are all GLUTEN FREE! Unfortunately these grains come in 50lb bags that we put into buckets for easier transportation. This creates a huge mess and is best done outside so that the flour doesn't get into the carpet. So, no, that white powder all over my porch is not drugs. Though my mother wonders if our neighbors think we might be. I said if we had enough drugs to spill that much and not care, we wouldn't be living in this neighborhood, oh wait, unless we're really bad drug dealers and spill it everywhere, then yes, we would be living here.

Today I was able to cook with tapioca starch, rice flour, and corn starch to create an UN-flour and make BISCUITS! I wasn't sure how they would turn out. When making things that are gluten free you need a key ingredient called xanthan gum. This creates the same type of reaction that gluten does to create volume and viscosity in your baking. Thankfully I had acquired some of this Saturday and away we went. Add a little bit of this, pinch of that, and a smidge of love (and desperation). After the mixing was done, the dough smelled good and that was a great sign! Raise for 20 minutes, bake for 20 minutes and TA-DA. I pulled them out of the oven and they were golden brown, smelling delicious, and as I flipped them over, one went skidding across the counter. Don't worry, he didn't escape. I cracked one open as the steam escaped its golden shell. Spread a little butter, take a breath, and take a bite.

Oh my goodness gracious. It was delicious! My sister was standing right there watching me going, WELL?? Can I have one? She took one for herself, took a bite and had the same reaction I had. These are amazing! My entire family really liked them which is amazing for me! I have access to bread now! I can make SANDWICHES!! I love sandwiches by the way.

This is such an affirmation to me that I can succeed at this and still eat delicious food while eating gluten free. Gluten free can be an expensive way to live, but all these little tricks I'm learning,

I will survive, you can bet on it.

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