Quote of the Day

It is much easier to build strong children than it is to repair a broken man.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

A Wedding........Not Mine

In 42 short hours my family will be setting up for my brother's wedding at Louland Falls. Its exciting and wonderful and brings tears to my mothers eyes to have her oldest son get married. My wonderful brother has two darling children who I absolutely adore and they are about to get a brother that both of them love with all their hearts. My brother met his soon to be wife in middle school. They knew each other throughout high school, but as life often happens, they went their separate ways. 16 years later they reconnected and BAM here we are. The flowers are bought, the cake is almost done, the setting up and decorating is all happening Monday. As a future elementary teacher I was put in charge of (drum roll please) the children's table. I took pictures of my brother and his fiancé and each of them with their kids and created coloring pages for the children to color. I also am creating an I Spy page that hopefully will keep the kids engaged and not asking their parents, "Is it over yet??"
While preparing for the wedding, Monday weddings are not the typical thing. And we heard over and over of how it isn't typical. One well meaning seasoned woman pointed out that no one was going to come because it is on a Monday and well, this simply wouldn't do. She told my soon to be sister in law that she simply would just have to change the day of the wedding. As taken back as my sister in law was, she calmly replied this wouldn't be possible. After the wised woman again said a Monday wedding just wouldn't do, my sister in law said the magical words that turns everyone into your biggest ally. She explained that my brother is special forces Navy and he is between training while getting ready to be deployed next year. This immediately changed this experience-ladened woman into an extraordinary help. I am so proud of my brother and for the sacrifices he has made to help this wonderful country. He is my hero. I am so touched to  be a part of their big day and hopefully the  weather won't be too hot!

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