Quote of the Day

It is much easier to build strong children than it is to repair a broken man.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

One of Those Days

Today has been one of those days. Not bad necessarily, but not exactly one for the record books to take account of. After finishing an assignment that took way longer than it ever should have I scrubbed my bathroom and got ready for work. Before work I went and got gas for my car (Cindy was too close to empty for my comfort) and then went to Target. Sometimes I feel like I should be banned from Target, but inside I went. I purchased some wonderful ibuprofen and saw the chocolate sitting there. In my head, a voice said, "Get some, you are going to need it." and you know what. . .  It was right. Arriving at work, I found co-workers whose day had not been filled with happiness and joy. So, out came the chocolate and the sharing began. At the end of the day I had one co-worker whose day had just been, -sigh- one of THOSE days. I said what could I do to make you feel better? Do the running man across the lobby? And of course this was his choice even though I was partly kidding about ACTUALLY doing it. Thank goodness the lobby was closed for the day. After testing out if the carpet or the tile would work better, away I went. I have been told I do quite the impressive running man. To my enjoyment my co-worker started laughing and my other co-worker asked what in the world was going on. And when she saw, her laugher joined with his. They both said my dancing skills were quite impressive and I said ha No they aren't. But that wasn't the point, to show my dancing skills. The entire point was to brighten someone's day and make them laugh.
Mission Accomplished.
The point of this post?? It is this, my friends mean a lot to me. And their happiness plays a role in my happiness. If it takes me making a fool out of myself and doing the running man to get them to smile and add a little joy to their day, so be it.

Also, I have been told I give some AMAZING pep talks. If you are in need of one, just let me know. I have the ability to see things in others that they can't see themselves. Maybe because I would much rather focus on other people's problems than my own, but either way, you too can have some compliments coming your way. All you need to do is ask.

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