Quote of the Day

It is much easier to build strong children than it is to repair a broken man.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Pretzels, Bagels, Toast, Salad Dressing--Gone

Day 2 of not eating gluten.
 I've had some symptoms lately that may be caused by gluten intolerance so, with the aid of my wonderful mother, I am trying out gluten free eating. It is so much harder than you think. Those out there who are gluten intolerant, my hat is off to you. There are so many times a day that I think, "Ooo this sounds good. Nope it has gluten in it." I know there are so many options out there for gluten free food, but this little lady has been so busy that I haven't tried to make any gluten free recipes. Most of the time its look in the fridge, look in the pantry, alright, watermelon it is. This diet is helping me eat a lot more fruits and vegetables which is good, but being only day 2, I am kind of hungry. I am really hoping going gluten free with dissipate the symptoms I am having, but at the same time, I am kind of hoping not to be gluten intolerant because lets face it, it would be easier. I have some wonderful friends who have developed gluten intolerance who have been amazing with advice. I again am amazed at the people I am surrounded by and am so grateful for them.
 As I go throughout my day I will all of a sudden think of a food and hurry to look it up and see if it is gluten free. Thank goodness for google.

But, on an off topic, Why have I been so busy? Well let me outline yesterday for you and you'll see.
6 am- wake up to get ready for school
7am- leave for school to catch the train
9am arrive at school
9-12:40- class
12:40-3 my elementary school to help with end of year things
3:15- home for 2.5seconds to get some lunch
4-7:15 work
7:30-7:45 get papers together
7:45 leave for Farmington to give a Math and Literacy Lesson to a wonderful future nephew
11pm- FINALLY home
I was exhausted but am so grateful to have gotten all of that done. I should have done my final project for my differentiation class last night but hey, that is what the train ride this morning was for right?

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