Quote of the Day

It is much easier to build strong children than it is to repair a broken man.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

The Five People You Meet in Heaven

This is a book by Mitch Albom. He also wrote Tuesday's with Morrie. This book was lent to me by a friend today at noon today and I just finished it. And it was amazing. I started reading it on the train ride home and when feeling car sick reluctantly put it away. As I arrived home once again, the pages opened and I was pulled in. My entire life I have loved books. The feeling of the pages between my fingers, carefully opening them so as to not bend the spine. The look of a brand new cover, and the feeling of an adventure waiting to happen. When growing up, I would wake up on Saturday mornings, grab a blanket, and head to the corner of the couch that overlooked the window which held a picturesque view of the park or as I liked to call it,  my front yard. This was how many years passed. I found a love of reading that became an obsession. Anything I could get my hands on was an opportunity to travel to another world and get lost in it. Not only do I love to read, but I read fast. My mom used to hide my books because she felt I was reading too fast and not enjoying the book to the fullest of its potential. I disagreed and would hunt until my precious book was discovered. Today, nothing has changed.
Being in college and in a program that is very work intensive is not conducive to my love of books, but I have still found time for it. My room has overflowing book cases and when surrounded by their pages, my heart is at home. When reading The Five People You Meet in Heaven, I wondered about my own life. This book is about a man who passes away and in heaven, he meets 5 people that have impacted his life and he finds how he impacted them. This book reiterates my belief that everything happens for a reason and people are meant to be in our lives. Reading how small meaningless acts completely alter someone else's life, I again self reflected and wondered who I have touched and who has affected me in some ways I never could have imagined. As people come to mind who have changed my life, I am so blessed to see that my life is what it is because of certain people. This journey has been a hectic crazy one, but I wouldn't change a single day of it.

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